Computer related full form for Banking Exam

Computer related full form for Banking Exam 

  1.  AADP – Advanced audio distribution profile
  2.  ABI – Application binary Interface
  3.  ABR – Available bit rate
  4.  AD – Active Directory
  5.  ADC – Analog to Digital Converter
  6.  AH – Active Hub
  7.  AI – Artificial intelligence
  8.  ALGOL – Algorithmic language
  9.  ALU – Arithmetic logic unit
  10.  AMD – Advanced micro devices
  11.  ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
  12.  RARP – Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
  13.  ARPANET – Advance Reaserch project agency network
  14.  ASAP – As soon as possible
  15.  ASCII – American standard code for information interchange
  16.  ASP – Application service provider
  17.  ATA – Advanced Technology Attachment
  18.  ATM – – Automatic teller machine
  19.  AVI – Audio Hot Interleaved
  20.  AWT – Abstract Windowing Toolkit

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