Earn Money astrology

Money astrology tips If money is disturbing, then these 4

measures can become your work.

Money Astrology Tips If you want to get sudden money related benefits then according to astrology, light a lamp of cow’s ghee in the northeast side of the house on the night of Amavasya. Use a red thread light in this lamp.

Money astrology tips There are solutions to many problems in astrology. Today we are referring to such a problem, which is the problem of every common and special person. They are money related problems. If you have problems related to money in your life too or according to Jyotishacharya Sakshi Sharma, money loss is not stopping despite all efforts, then these remedies can prove to be effective for you.

Contingency benefit

If you suddenly want to get money related benefits, then according to astrology, light a lamp of cow’s ghee in the northeast of the house on the night of Amavasya. Use a red thread light in this lamp. Add saffron if possible, otherwise use turmeric. It is believed that by doing this Goddess Lakshmi is very happy and suddenly there are the benefits of wealth.

Money collection will be easy.

If money-related problems persist in your life or if you are not able to earn money despite all efforts, then the head of the household should eat his food in the kitchen. Also, the chief should always apply a white sandalwood vaccine on his forehead.

Remove money crisis.

If you are struggling with money crisis in the time of Corona, then this remedy will prove beneficial for you. For this, take 7 almonds and 8 mascara boxes and tie it in a black cloth and keep it in a box. Keep in mind that do this remedy only on Tuesday, Saturday or Sunday. It is believed that by doing this, all the money related problems will be removed gradually.

The problem will be solved by conch shell.

If there is always some expense in the house, then you should anoint Lord Vishnu with milk in a conch shell on the right side. Keep in mind that this should be done on Thursday. Apart from this, donate conch shell in the temple of Srihari on Thursday. It is said that by doing this, money related problems are removed and new sources of wealth are made.


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