English Prose Poetry With (David Copperfield) (Arts,Science Commerce) Inter I.A I.Sc 50-Marks English

nbsp;* Prose nbsp;(Arts,Science amp; Commerce)
1. Our Own Civilization – C.E.M. Joad (1891-1953)
2. With the Photogrpher – Stephen Leacock
3. Good Manners – A.G. Gardiner
4. On Letter Writing – A.G. Gardiner
5. Fogetting – Robert Lynd

* Poetry nbsp;(Arts,Science amp; Commerce)
1. The Daffodils – William Wordsworth
2. Echo – Walter De La Mare
3. If – Rudyard Kipling
4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree – Willian Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
5. Everyone Sang – Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)
6. The Soldier – Rupert Brooke

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