For the first time in America the process of removing President Trump is fast, know what will happen next

For the first time in America the process of removing President Trump is fast, know what will happen next.

The Senate has approved the impeachment motion against President Trump. It also has the support of ten Republican lawmakers. President Trump became the first President of the US to face the impeachment process for the second time.

For the first time in American history, a president will face the impeachment process for the second time. This is the reason why President Donald Trump’s troubles have increased after the capital building violence. He has received the support of several members to seek re-impeachment. The US House of Representatives has passed the second impeachment motion against President Trump. While it had 232 votes in favor, the opposition had 197 votes.

19 January Eye

The proposal has also received the support of ten Republican Party MPs. After this, this proposal will now be placed in the Senate on 19 January. Many members of the caucus want this process to begin as soon as possible. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has appointed 9 impeachment managers who will debate Trump’s case.The impeachment process has also been intensified as Vice President Mike Pence refused to remove Trump’s post, using the Constitution’s 25th Amendment following the Capitol Building incident.

25th Amendment of the Constitution

The 25th Amendment of the US Constitution gives the Vice-President the right to remove power from the office of the President with the approval of the Cabinet and two-thirds majority of the House if the President fails to discharge his duties and responsibilities. Could.Several other lawmakers, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives, also appealed to Mike Pence to remove Trump using this option, which Pence declined. Only after this the process of impeachment on the trump has been expedited.

Trump became a threat to American democracy

Many US Republican and Democrat senators believe that current President Donald Trump has become a threat to American democracy. Therefore, it is right to remove him as soon as possible. Most lawmakers also blamed Trump for the capital-building violence. Meanwhile, outgoing President Donald Trump reacted to the current process, saying he was not threatened by the 25th Amendment.However, there will be danger for Biden in the future. He has also said that there was never such a big threat to freedom of expression in the country as it is now.

Pence’s statement from Trump

However Mike Pence also clarified that Joe Biden has been elected by the people of the country and the current president does not have the authority to challenge it. Let us tell you that Biden is going to take oath as the new President on 20 January. Let me also tell you here that if the Senate stamps his sentence, then Trump will be dismissed.However, Mitch McConnell says she will not proceed before Trump leaves office. If he is found guilty, he will have to go through a second vote to be removed from office.

Less time left

However, there is now only one week left for any action against Trump. In such a situation, Pence has the option of removing Trump from his post and assuming power himself and later forgiving him. Former US President Nixon was given a similar apology. He resigned before the impeachment process began. He was later pardoned by the Executive Chairman.It is also necessary to tell you here that when Trump was impeached, the charges against him were dismissed in the Senate. Because of this, this action could not proceed.

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