Kisan 8 lakh people died in just 100 days Know when, why and where

8 lakh people died in just 100 days Know when, why and where

In Rwanda in 1994, 8 lakh people were killed in just 100 days in a war between Hutu and Tutsi community. These included people from the Tutsi community. Also included were their leaders.

1994 The year of 1994 is like a scary dream in the history of Rwanda. The horrific massacre had appeared in this country in this year. According to AFP, within a hundred days in 1994, 8 lakh civilians were killed by Hutu rebels. Most of these minorities were from Tutsi community. Apart from this, the political personalities associated with them were also ruthlessly put to death forever.Let us tell you that about 85 percent of the citizens in Rwanda are Hutu. Despite this, the Tutsi community has been dominating here for years and this community has been ruling here. In 1959 the Hutu community succeeded in ending the Tutsi monarchy.

This is how the massacre started

Thousands of people of the Tutsi community moved to neighboring countries to save their lives due to the fear of the Hutu community after the monarchy ended. Following this incident, the divided Tutsi community formed the Rwanda Patriac Front (RPF) to take revenge on Hutu. In the 1990s, the strength of this organization increased considerably and then a new and frightening story of the conflict between Hutu and the Tutsi community in Rwanda was written.However in 1993 an agreement was reached to end the conflict between the two communities. On 6 April 1994, a plane was shot down in the sky. In this aircraft, the then President Juvenal Habyarimana and the President of Burundi, Caparial Natarayamira were aboard. In this incident, all the people on board the plane were killed.

The culprits were not detected

Even after years, nothing was known about the culprits who killed this aircraft. Some have been calling the Hutu community responsible for this incident and some Rwanda Patriac Front. However, both the heads of the aircraft were from the Hutu community. Hence RPF was held responsible for this. After this, the period of non-stop killings started from 7 April 1994 to next hundred days.

The culprits were not detected

Even after years, nothing was known about the culprits who killed this aircraft. Some have been calling the Hutu community responsible for this incident and some Rwanda Patriac Front. However, both the heads of the aircraft were from the Hutu community. Hence RPF was held responsible for this. After this, the period of non-stop killings started from 7 April 1994 to next hundred days.The Tutsi community said that the Hutu community did so in order to give it a chance to massacre the Tutsi community.

Deathly killed

Before this massacre, the government was made a full list of extremists. The Hutu community started killing the Tutsi community and its leaders one by one. People living near them were also not spared. In Rwanda at that time, every person had an ID mentioning his tribe.Taking advantage of this, the Hutu community blocked the place and killed each and every Tutsi. The community abducted women belonging to the Tutsi community and later held them in captivity for years and killed them later. They were raped for months and years and kept as Hot slaves.

Radio announcement

The political party at that time was the youth wing of MRND named Interahamwe which turned into fighters to carry out the killings. They collaborated with other groups at the local level to carry out this gruesome massacre and provided them with weapons. Simultaneously, the Hutu extremists created a radio station called RTLM and promoted hatred against the Tutsi community through their newspaper.It was announced on the radio that the Tutsi community was cockroaches and clean them. During this time, the names of those who were to be killed were also broadcast from the radio. They also included clergy and nuns. Their fault was that they had given shelter to the people of Tutsi community. In this way, this massacre of Hutu community continued for 100 days without stopping. Liberal Hutus were also killed, including 8 lakh Tutsi.

Constitution of courts

Although at the time the massacre was being carried out, there was also a Belgian army, including the U.N.’s army, but she did not fall into it. Meanwhile, with the death of ten UN soldiers, both of them withdrew their armies from there. America too pulled out of this dispute. France also took out its soldiers and people safely from there.In this he took help of Hutu government. Shortly thereafter, the RPF regained its control in some parts of the country.

Took refuge in other countries

About 20 lakh people of Hutu community left the country and took refuge in other countries for fear of retaliation. According to human rights organizations, the RPF killed thousands of Hutu civilians in retaliation. A similar incident was carried out in the Congo. In 2002, an international crime court was formed to investigate and prove the case.In addition, the United Nations Security Council also set up one such court in Tanzania. In this, 93 people were convicted and sentenced.

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