Makar Sankranti 2024 Why is khichdi eaten upon the arrival of Makar Sankranti? Know its significance

Makar Sankranti 2024 Why is khichdi eaten upon the arrival of Makar Sankranti? Know its significance.

Makar Sankranti 2024 Today, the festival of Makar Sankranti is being celebrated across the country. This festival holds special significance. On this day, Sun is Uttarayan. This means that the northern hemisphere of the Earth turns towards the Sun. On this day, the Sun enters Capricorn.

Today, the festival of Makar Sankranti is being celebrated all over the country. This festival holds special significance. On this day, Sun is Uttarayan. This means the northern hemisphere of the Earth turns towards the Sun. On this day, the Sun enters Capricorn. It is known by different names in every state of the country. Where in Uttar Pradesh it is called Khichdi.At the same time, Ghughutia or black crow in Uttarakhand, Bihu in Assam and in South India it is known as Pongal. Everyone celebrates this festival with full enthusiasm in their own way. This day is called khichdi in many places. These include Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, people here make and eat khichdi on this day.

Why Khichdi is eaten on Makar Sankranti

According to belief, rice is considered a symbol of the moon. At the same time, Urad Dal is the symbol of Saturn and green vegetables symbolize Mercury. In such a situation, if it is to strengthen the position of the planets in the horoscope, then khichdi should be eaten on the day of Makar Sankranti. On this day, people make and eat slang in many places. Rice, black lentils, salt, turmeric, peas and vegetables are added to the khichdi.

Sun is worshiped in many places on this day. These mainly include the Ghats of Benares and Allahabad. People come here to bathe and worship the sun. At the same time, people who are unable to go to the ghat, take bath by mixing Ganga water in the bath water at home. Bathing is very important on this day. At the same time, offerings of sesame and jaggery are also eaten after bathing. Khichdi is eaten and donations are also made on this day.


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