Sumup Affiliate Program Live Update News 2024

Sumup affiliate program

अपने प्रत्येक ऑफ़र को सीधे 1 दिन के लिए आपके पास या SumUp प्रीपेड कार्ड के साथ प्राप्त करें। हमारे पास महीने भर से कोई शुल्क नहीं है। संभवतः जब आप बेचते हैं, और वॉइला का भुगतान करें

Receive each of your offers in 1 business day directly to you or with the SumUp Prepaid Card. We have no charge from month to month. Possibly pay when you sell, and voila

Sumup Affiliate Program
Sumup Affiliate Program

Class Others

Additional information for the Sumup affiliate programSumup (सहबद्ध कार्यक्रम के लिए अतिरिक्त जानकारी)

Following – Offline

Media not allowed allowed

Refund – Prohibited

Deep link prohibited

Standard allowed

Text link allowed

Newsletter / Disclosure – Prohibited

XML stream prohibited


– Last click

– organic

– Direct

Mission restrictions

– The acquisition of words identified with the brand in any web index is prohibited

Types of disclosure

– Text joins

– Banners in various configurations

– Advertising pieces by email

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