Our ears are microcosms of our body and support our overall health

Our ears are microcosms of our body and support our overall health  Massaging the ear is very important for our overall health as there are over 200 points on the…

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

अत्याचार के पीड़ितों के समर्थन में संयुक्‍त राष्‍ट्र अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस (International Day in Support of Victims of Torture)  हर साल 26 जून को यातना पीड़ितों के समर्थन में अंतरराष्ट्रीय दिवस…

Binance to support the new Terra 2.0 coin

Binance to support the new Terra 2.0 coin  In their tweet, Binance representatives wrote “We are working closely with the team on a recovery plan, aiming to provide impacted users…