Water will be identified … it is important to avoid skimp

Water will be identified … it is important to avoid skimp.

Water scarcity can be overcome to some extent by conserving rainwater and using it economically but overcoming its pollution is a problem. In such a situation, the year 2024 is a year of challenges and possibilities in relation to water.

Increasing government activism and awareness of society towards conservation of natural resources is paying off. In the case of these resources, we are moving towards getting rich again. The coming new year can prove to be a milestone in this direction. Thus, in view of the increasing water crisis in different parts of India every year, collective initiative from both the society and government levels is very important.

If the government is concerned about water, then this crisis will continue to deepen, but if the society also understands its responsibility by keeping pace with the government, then India will be able to reach the root of this huge problem and solve it. Water scarcity can be overcome to some extent by conserving rainwater and using it economically, but overcoming its pollution is a difficult problem. In such a situation, the year 2024 can be a year of both challenges and possibilities in relation to water.

In front of us, the ambitious plan of the Government of India, ‘Har ghar ko tap to water‘ is a challenge. This difficult task cannot become a medium of permanent solution until we solve the problem instead. Today, if there is a shortage of water in areas like Bundelkhand or Latur, then we will have to find a solution that will be permanent as well. To overcome the water crisis, we have to work from two levels. One is the greater conservation of water and the other is to skimp in its use.The simple and simple solution to water scarcity and its pollution is hidden in the rain water we get every year. We have to save these raindrops properly and either send them to the womb of the earth or protect them from the rays of the sun.

Natural formations (sources like pond, johar, aharpine, latch) already exist in each state of India to store rainwater. Time lapse has ruined these structures. We have to revive these natural waters and make adequate arrangements to send rainwater into them. To reduce consumption in daily use, industry and agriculture, we must revisit our ancient traditions and methods of society. The government will also have to act strictly by enacting laws and implementing them.If we learn the right conservation and frugal use of water, then the new year will prove to be a festival of happiness in the water sector.


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